Ambi - The Brand

The Brand Idea 

Ambi is a genuine platform to promote Indian traditional craftsmanship. Ambi is established as an online platform that features some of the world's most ancient and intricate craft forms, with the aim of preserving, exhibiting, and sharing the artistic talent of India's artisans globally.

Ambi” gives authentication to the local artisans along with the profit margin they deserve which gives a sense of satisfaction to the customers and consumer, that they are contributing to the sector in some way.

The Need 

At Ambi, we bring together a diverse range of elements - timelessness and modernity, indigenous crafts and world trends, artisans and business, incomes and fair trade, freedom and protection, love and commerce. It is ironic that despite India's rich craft heritage, many craftsmen in the country are deprived and struggling. Ambi aims to make a change in this reality by bringing together the contrasting facets of India's handicraft universe in the digital space. 

The Offerings

We strive to ensure that our artisans receive fair We work collaboratively with them to develop cost and price models that are fair and equitable for all parties.

Our dedicated partners and associates work tirelessly to assist artisans in enhancing their skills, refining their production methods, improving their working conditions, and developing their business practices and products.

Our aim is to provide our partners, artisans, and craftsmen with access to larger markets and fair prices for their products, not only by showcasing their work, but also by offering innovative ideas and designs that appeal to changing tastes and modern preferences, thus helping them reach wider audiences.

The Goal

Our goal is to elevate the dignity of Indian artisansand stimulate global interest and appreciation fortheir unparalleled legacy of crafts, that has spreadacross the country for centuries. Our endeavour is to curate a distinctive collection of contemporary products that reflect traditional Indian art and craft. Our focus has consistently been on enabling our artisans to create high-quality, sustainable products. We are deeply committed to these goals. Every item we offer is handmade and one-of-a-kind, revealing the distinctive narrative of the artisan who crafted it. 

A Melange of Products

  • Innovative
  • Unique
  • Mosaic
  • Intricacy
  • Authentic
  • Refined

Rooted (As a Brand)

  • Respect
  • Timeless
  • Charm
  • Raw
  • Evolving
  • Natural

Uplifting (for artisans) 

  • Endeavour 
  • Honour 
  • Legacy 
  • Compassion 
  • Conserving 
  • Awareness 
  • Empathetic